Red Hen Nursery
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Food, glorious food

In an age when it’s all too easy for children to stay indoors and become engrossed in their TVs and game consoles, one Tastes of Lincolnshire award-winner is teaching children the glories of nature.

Set amid 12 acres of farmland, woodland and play areas, the Red Hen Day Nursery in Louth is using its tranquil location to educate children about food. Nursery owners David and Jane Harrison are busy teaching children in their care more about where the produce they find on their tables comes from and how it is prepared.

For going the extra mile to promote local food among children and their parents, the nursery was rewarded with a Tastes of Lincolnshire Award. From a long line of farmers, David and Jane picked up the prestigious Mr George honour, named after George Bateman of Bateman’s Brewery, the independent family business in Wainfleet. “It was really nice to be recognised,” said Jane. “The foundations of future health are laid down from birth to five years old, which is why our work is so important.” At the nursery, children learn about the seasons and regularly help to grow, harvest and prepare vegetables, making sure that they get the best nutritional start in life. “Children need to know where food comes from, and that’s not from a packet in the supermarket,” Jane explained.

“We only buy meat from local butchers to ensure traceability, and vegetables are either grown in our vegetable garden or bought from local suppliers.” The nursery’s ethos is that children thrive outdoors and are never too young to learn about nutritious food. “We make bread daily and they love it because it’s sensory and they can eat it while they are at nursery,” continued Jane. David and Jane also clinched the Best Food Award at the 2009 Nursery World Awards. “It was great to be recognised nationally,” added Jane.

What they say about Red Hen
Red Hen is exceptional. Children are well loved and cared for. They explore their natural environment, eat home-cooked food and have the opportunities i could never provide at home. Zara learns to mix with babies as well as older children. The nursery never stops striving to be better and both my children have formed lasting friendships with staff and other children. Zara is settled and happy, my views are considered too. I wouldn’t send her anywhere else!
Manor House Farm, Reston Road, Legbourne, Louth, Lincolnshire, LN11 8LS T: 01507 603535 E:
Manor House Farm, Reston Road, Legbourne, Louth, Lincolnshire, LN11 8LS T: 01507 603535 E:
kindergarten nursery world awards 2013 nursery world awards 2010 nursery world awards 2009 ndna
Leader Lindsey EU ofsted outstanding
D.R. Harrison Ltd. Company Reg No. 4493349. Reg Office: Manor House Farm, Legbourne, Louth, Lincolnshire, LN11 8LS
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